Are You Ready for the Changes at Hand?
Cultural Readiness Assessments and Talent Portfolio Reviews help companies understand the depth of change within the organization required to achieve Transformation.
Almost every company, in every industry, is seeking the same skillsets. Competition is fierce. How do you distinguish yourself and remain attractive in a “talent driven” market? The winners will focus on two areas – culture and talent. The losers won’t bridge the generational divide and will fall into the abyss, ultimately lacking the resources required for the long-term demands of their business.
- Cultural Readiness: Culturally, leading companies reflect on who they are as a company and what will be required to attract the workforce of the future. Our Cultural Readiness Assessment evaluates corporate readiness in the areas of company culture, leadership, work opportunities, people, and the modern workplace.
- Accelerating Talent Transformation©: Companies must actively manage their Talent Transformation© and talent portfolios. A Talent shift is underway. The current talent mix will move toward greater reliance on digitally enabled talent. We support this transition by conducting an assessment of your current mix. The result is then applied to your desired future state.
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